I was in a corporate job for 12 years.

Hey, names Jess.

I have fully surrendered to the flow of the universe and have full trust in what’s coming next in my life. My goal is to teach you how to do the same.

In 2018 I decided to leave my cozy corporate job of 12 years. I was crying every single morning the train would hit the 3rd street platform in DT Calgary. I wasn’t showing up as the best version of me that I could. My soul was dying. I decided to take the leap and change my life. I decided to chase a dream of becoming a Personal Trainer. This wasn’t something that happened right away. It took me 2 years to finally land my dream job. I became the Manager of a spin studio and was personal training. This was February of 2020. We all know what happened in March. I was living my dream and the world stopped.

The universe has a funny way of guiding you to where you’re supposed to be. When you trust. When you surrender to the flow and let go of the expectation of the outcome, beautiful things happen.

2020 I spent the year doing renovations on my house. Not knowing why. That’s when the messages from source started. My higher self started talking to me in whispers. I started listening closer and diving into the flow. 2021 I put my house on the market to sell. Having no real plan of where I was going or what I was doing. At the same time, I started playing the bowls. Alchemy Crystal Bowls were changing my life just by showing up for the meditation. Raising my vibration and releasing energies that weren’t serving me anymore. I was changing. The life I created was shifting. I was showing up better for myself first which trickled into showing up better for the people in my life.

My house sold. I moved to Costa Rica in September of 2021 after living in a van for 2 months. For 7 months I lived in another country where no one was familiar and I got to lean into myself. I found myself. I learned how to love myself. I participated in ceremonies that changed my life and provided the container for me the surrender, to dive deeper into the things that I didn’t want to look at. I learned how to surrender even more than I already had. I started talking to the Universe. Paying attention to what was happening around me and what I needed to hear and where I needed to go.

My goal is help you learn the power you hold within you to change your life. To trust yourself. To love yourself and truly step into your power. To show you that you are capable of anything you want to accomplish in your life. I am living proof that anything you want is possible. You create your own reality. What do you want to create? Why are you holding yourself back?


“Working on your victim mindset and changing your words, WILL change your life! You ready?

— Jessica Meister

About the bowls

Crystal Tones Alchemy Singing Bowls...

...are made of the highest quality (99.992% pure!) quartz crystal, the finest in gemstones and precious metals such as 24 karat gold, silver and platinum. The process they are created with makes them incredibly resonant, strong, and pure in tone.

The tones produced by Crystal Tones alchemy singing bowls are not just heard by the ear, you feel them in your body, with certain tones affecting your energy for activation, creativity, healing, balancing & meditation.

Aqua Aura Energetic Signature:

Influencing the balance of the analytical mind aspect and transmuting blockages that give rise to disharmony, Aqua Aura Gold lovingly entrains the auric fields for quantum shifting and activating.

Egyptian Blue Energetic Signature:

Inspired by quartz Egyptian Faience bowls from the 13th Dynasty Thebes, Egyptian Blue Bowl guides the activation/download of Egyptian Alchemy (Hathor)


Pink Ocean Gold Energetic Signature:

The soft and nurturing embrace of our love source, with the strength of ageless wisdom, grace and healing. Pink Ocean Gold sings of the power of the heart in accomplishing a life well lived through compassion and courage.

The clear set is made with quartz crystal, just not made by Crystal Tones, which means we aren't certain of the purity. Whereas we know the Crystal Tones bowls are 99.99235% pure quartz crystal.

The Chakra Points and Field Reference chart is a great guide that shows you which notes focus on which chakras. But remember that every bowl holds a full octave which means that every person receiving the frequencies from the bowls may feel it in a different part of the body.